School Information

Toronto District School Board
If you wish to find all the schools that service a particular street address, use the web-site listed below, and type the street name into the search field. For each street number range, you will find:
- all the public,
- elementary,
- intermediate,
- secondary,
- technological and commercial schools that service that street number range.
For information on specialized, gifted, alternative and French programs offered by the Toronto District School Board, use the website below, then click on one of these options in the left sidebar.
Each school information includes:
- Student Population,
- EQAO scores
- And Optional Attendance if you are outside the school boundaries.
TDSB Find Your School

Toronto Catholic District School Board
Find your Catholic school by selecting a grade, entering a street number, and a street name. You will find a map of the Catholic school district and a list of all schools that are serviced by that address. The categories of schools provided are:
- Elementary
- Secondary
- French Immersion
- Extended French
- Optional Attendance
- Eastern Rite
To find your school click on this link:
TCDSB Find Your School

The EQAO Schools Comparison
The EQAO is the provincial Education Equality and Accountability Office. It is an independent government body that develops and oversees reading, writing and mathematics tests that Ontario students must take in Grades 3,6, 9, and 10. It assesses student literacy (reading and writing) and math skills at these levels.
You may search this website by entering the school name, school board name, the school address or postal code. To compare schools, click on this link:
EQAO School Comparison

The Fraser Institute School Performance Results
The Fraser Institute is an independent non-partisan research and educational organization based in Canada.
To compare Fraser Institute results, click on this link:
Fraser Institute School Comparison
Then follow these steps:
- Scroll down and click on the link, Find Your School Now.
- Click on the tab for Elementary or Secondary Schools
- Immediately below these tabs, click into the Search For, field and enter the school name
- Or, use the map and click on the school icon
- In the sidebar to the right click on the link to the school name.
- The colour of the PIN on the map to give you the overall rating of the school
- In the table of Academic Performance, look at the previous year’s results compared to the current year, in order to see trends for the school
- Compare the school to the, All Schools Average